Are All Root Canals a Surgical Procedure?

Root canals in Mountain View, CA may be a routine procedure, but that doesn’t mean everyone knows how they work or what they are. If you think of root canals as a type of surgery, we’ll explore how these procedures go and what you can likely expect if you or someone you know needs one.

Surgical Vs. Non-Surgical Root Canals

Most root canals are non-surgical root canals because most of them are simple enough cases to be done within the tooth.In a non-surgical case, the dentist will open the tooth, clean out the pulp, and then close the canals of the tooth. Surgical root canals only occur if the oral surgeon needs to access the gum, in this case, they’ll make a small incision into the gums to clear out any infection or damaged area. From there, the process is similar to a non-surgical root canal in that the dentist will open the tooth to clear the infected pulp.

What to Know About Root Canals

Root canals are an important way to avoid tooth loss, typically the next step if you don’t take care of the root canal. During a root canal, a dentist in Mountain View, CA will administer local anesthesia, separate the tooth from the rest of the teeth, and then implement tiny instruments to remove the blood vessels and nerves within the tooth. Once it’s cleaned and filled with a biocompatible material, they’ll seal it off with a filling and then (usually) cap it with a crown to reinforce the tooth.

Find a Specialist in Mountain View

At the practice of Dr. Joseph M. Cassara, you’ll meet a staff member who can not only answer your questions but also take care of a non-surgical root canal in Mountain View, CA, before it has the chance to progress.

While root canals are not without risk, the vast majority of patients have a smooth experience from start to finish. Once it’s over, you can count on your once-damaged tooth to withstand everyday wear and tear.

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